How To Compose A Brilliant Research Paper About Domestic Violence: Useful Instructions

Do you need to start this assignment? Do you want your research paper to be the greatest essay ever written? Well, here are some great instructions to help you on your way:

Think things through.

You should start off by thinking about what the different areas of this subject are and how you may explore issues in further detail.

Is your study based in one country or state- or are you interested in global statistics? Will you focus on women being abused by partners? What about abused men (a subject that is often not looked at as seriously)? What are the root causes for domestic violence? What can be done to prevent it? Should there be different rules and laws in place?

The more questions you ask and the more particular areas you study, the much better prepared you will be to start writing.

You will find plenty of information in your library, on the internet, and in books and magazines.

Create an outline.

Next, you should gather together all your notes and ideas and create an outline for your research paper about domestic violence Work out what data you want to include, what points you want to make and what information belongs where. Also decide on how many chapters you will need and what their rough headings will be.

What should be included?

Then you should write the first draft.

Your research paper should comprise of: the introduction, the text body (chapters) and the conclusion. It’s best to write the introduction last (because you will have already written the assignment and therefore know exactly what points to cover), so your first draft should consist of chapters and conclusion.

Your text body is where you will present your findings and ideas.

The conclusion will restate the main points of the introduction and tie up the findings in a punch packing summary.

You should then write your second draft, paying attention to every detail (flow, style, source annotation, sentence structure, spelling, grammar etc.) and keep re-reading and re-editing until it’s absolutely right.

Then when you’re happy with the final draft, you can spend some time writing your introduction. This should present the broad subject area and state the narrowed down topic you have chosen. Say what the purpose of your essay is and give a brief overview. Also concisely state aims, objectives, sources and methods. Finish your introduction by stating what conclusions should be reached.
