Evaluating a term paper by using common criteria

When writing your term paper you should be familiar with the criteria that is used for evaluation and ultimately the criteria for grading.

The term paper needs to have:

  1. Title Page.
  2. The paper is expected to be around 2,500 words in length, typed and double spaced.
  3. The paper should give enough information so someone who has no preconceived ideas about your topic will be able to understand the paper. The paper should logically present and provide background for both sides or points of view, but obviously present the view that is supported by the thesis, in a more persuasive manner.

The paper must follow the standard sections, namely Thesis, Introduction, Discussion of Research, Conclusion, Bibliography:

  • Thesis - the statement of what the paper contains. This statement should be very clear as to the reason of the paper and the stance taken. This may be considered a very small section of the paper but it is worth 14/100 points.

  • Introduction - the outline of the stance the paper is taking and the supporting points. Again this may seem to be a small section of the paper but it should give an outline of how the information used in the paper has been analyzed. It should also provide appropriate examples. If this section does not read well it may be that the author had not really understood their work. This section is worth 9/100 points.

  • Discussion or body of Research. This accounts for the volume of the paper. The section is worth 20/100 points . To achieve a good score the following points must be acknowledged in the segment:
    1. convincingly present both (or more) sides of the thesis;
    2. debate current views;
    3. include a minimum of 8 citations;
    4. accurate evaluation of the of the discussion;
    5. logical presentation of the supporting material.

  • Conclusion. Presentation of a prĂ©cis of the arguments presented in the Discussion. Do not repeat everything that is all ready included in the Discussion. Support your conclusion with a critique of the opposing viewpoints. The conclusion should be very clearly stated.

  • Bibliography. If there is not a Bibliography then points will be lost rather than gained. The style of the presentation of the Bibliography may vary by educational establishment. Points may also be lost if there are less than eight appropriate and valid sources.

Take great care in following the instructions given by the tutor as these are the exact instructions that must be followed to meet the marking criteria for the educational establishment.
